Christian Heritage Childrens Home
Gregg & Lisa Nicklas
In 1979, the Lord gave Gregg Nicklas a vision of providing Christian homes for Nebraska's abused and neglected children. Meeting the needs of these children led to his resignation from a successful marketing career with IBM. On June 26, 1980, Christian Heritage was incorporated as a non-profit organization and the following year, the IRS issued a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt designation.
Gregg and Lisa Nicklas became foster parents in December 1980 and within a year had served seven foster children in their home. The following September, Christian Heritage opened its first group home for boys. A second home was opened to care for girls in January of 1985. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services licensed Christian Heritage and referred children in need of help, hope and a home. Christian Heritage has provided a home for literally thousands of Nebraska's children.
In early 1987, Christian Heritage received a child-placing license and began providing foster care in private homes.
In 1998, central Nebraska was facing a need for additional residential programs and the Department of Health and Human Services issued a Request for Proposal for two new children's homes. Christian Heritage responded and was selected. The ministry's first capital campaign was implemented to raise $1.2 million. God faithfully provided. Fourteen acres were purchased and two children's homes and an office building were constructed without incurring debt--a testimony to the faithfulness of God.
Christian Heritage was selected again by the Department in 2001 to open two new homes for children in Lancaster County. Nebraska's Governor and Mrs. Mike Johanns served as honorary co-chairs of a $2.2 million Caring for Kids capital campaign to raise the funds to acquire 45 acres at 148th and Old Cheney, construct two 5,000-square-foot homes and a 10,000-square-foot office and family training center. Again God provided.
In 2004 a $1.2 million Homes of Hope capital campaign was initiated to construct two additional children's homes at 148th and Old Cheney. Governor Dave Heineman and his wife, Sally Ganem, served as honorary co-chairs. The funds were again received and the homes were constructed free from long-term debt.
God has always been faithful in providing so that children who are desperately in need of hope can receive the compassionate care of Christians and experience of the love of Christ.
Foster care services were expanded into Omaha in 2002 and into central Nebraska in 2007. In each service area, we are honored to have competent, professional Christians serving children and families.
In 2007, we became intentional in determining why, according to the Child Welfare League of America, Nebraska continued to lead the nation in the number of children, per capita, in the foster care system. We determined the major contributing factor to children entering the foster care system to be fatherlessness. Consequently, we launched a Fatherhood Initiative to promote father involvement. We began hosting an annual Nebraska Father of the Year award and Celebration of Fatherhood luncheon. We promote fatherhood through our website and public service announcements on an ongoing basis.
We hosted a Leadership Summit on Fatherhood in 2008, which resulted in our being asked by the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services to work with incarcerated dads to teach them parenting skills and help prepare them to reunite with their children upon their release. The Destination�Dad� program was created to assist these fathers and to restore families.
In 2009, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services implemented major child welfare reform. They transitioned in-home preventative services, foster care and all out-of-home services to the private sector. For the first time in our thirty years, we are contracting with private lead agencies instead of the Department in eastern, southeast and central Nebraska. In late 2009, new staff members were employed to begin providing in-home services to work with families in an effort to prevent children from being placed out-of-home.
Thirty years of serving children. Thirty years of seeing the faithfulness of God in the transformation of lives. Thirty years of having the privilege of working with faithful followers of Christ.
Paul wrote, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10).
Our Mission is to improve the lives of children by equipping families, promoting responsible fatherhood, and strengthening marriages--because every child deserves a family.
Christian Heritage came into existence as a ministry to children. The ministry has grown to include services to children, adolescents and families. The foundational beliefs upon which Christian Heritage was founded have not changed.
We believe the Bible is the word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, written by men, and composed and recorded without error in the original writings.
We believe God is holy, loving, true, and personal. God is sovereign, perfect, infinite, and eternal. We believe God is the creator of the world and has revealed Himself in three distinct persons ‚—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe God enters into a spiritual relationship with those individuals who accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who repent of their sin, who receive Jesus as the Lord of their lives, and relinquish their lives to obedient service to God. We believe God forgives sin and answers prayer.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and in His physical life, death, and resurrection from the grave. We also believe in the second coming of Christ.
We believe God created man in His image ‚—perfect and free from sin, created for fellowship and the purpose of glorifying and fulfilling the will of God.
We believe that through Satan ‚’s deception and man ‚’s disobedience, sin came into being (sin being defined as the personal, voluntary act of disobedience to the revealed will of God).
We believe in salvation by faith. Salvation is a gift of God, as is eternal life, granted by His grace.
We also believe in the importance of personal involvement in a local church. The assembling together is imperative for worship and fellowship to glorify God and build members in their faith by instruction in the Word of God. It is through the Church that the gospel should be communicated to the world.
We believe the preceding statements are a true representation of sound doctrine taught in the scriptures and as such we need to obediently submit ourselves to them as believers in Christ.