One Body - One Flame is a ministry of Christian Destiny Church (Crosslink affiliation).
One Body - One Flame, promotes and encourages a range of Evangelistic events including -
See You at the Pole, The Cause Australia, Jesus - All About Life, Mercy Ships Aust, National Day of Thanksgiving, current prayer events, and conferences and any other that God show us to be a significant event for His kingdom..
We meet with churches and distribute ideas and guidance for various events and participate in the events on the day..
On an ongoing basis, we work for 2 big annual events - National Day of Thanksgiving for which I am the S E Qld Regional Rep, and Ipswich Easter Monday Funday - an Awakening event .
While we are situated in SE Qld, events are local, State and National events and require volunteers with a wide range of skills, all over Australia.
Promoting All-Church Preayer & Events
Working and Praying Together
Everything was done so they would come.
Our Vision -
One body - all churches - workiing and praying in one heart, enabling the fire of the Holy Spirit to blaze throughout our churches and nation, and the Holy Spirit flame to burn in our hearts, bringing souls into the Kingdom of God.
We believe in one God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Word was made flesh (God the Son) and dwelt among us, and as our Saviour bore our sin on the cross at Calvary , that there is no condemnation for us as we are in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven, cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and that He has prepared a place for us in His house of many mansions .
We believe that God requires us to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God, to love Him , to love and forgive one another, and to sow seed for His harvesting by spreading the Gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit.