Community Church Ntinda

Organization Description: 

Community church was founded in 2001 with basic objective of ensuring that Christ is axalted in all things saints are equipped for the works of service and evangelizing all nations.It is found in tthe Eastern part of Kampala city.The church run many ministries .Is congregational church therefore is community based church and all programs are geared toword spiritaul and physical development

Community Church Ntinda
Kampala, +256 712567608
Mission Statement: 

Community Church Ntinda exists to Axalt Christ in all things ,equipping one another for works of service,evangelizing all nations , so that we may present all men complete in Christ

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We beleive the Bibles is true record of God revelation and it was inspired, God the Father is creator, God the son Christ is eternal son of God His death brought on the cross made provission for Redemption, Holy SPIRIT,of God enables men to understand scriptures SALVATION, THE CHURCH ,BAPTISM AND THE LORDS SUPPER, LORDS DAY

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Program Types: 
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