A Brief Tour of Web Resources for CTCs
A Brief Tour of Web Resources for CTCs
Curriculum, technology resources, and more
June 19, 2000
The Web has some good resources for CTCs, if you know where to look. While there are some good sites specifically for CTCs, there are also other more general sites about technology, curriculum and other issues which affect CTCs.
- CTCNet
The CTCNet Web site is an excellent resource for a lot of different topics, although some of the best are tricky to find. We've heard CTCNet is planning a major re-organization in the coming months which will make it easier to find things. In the meantime, here are some of the best parts:
- The listing of all CTCNet members including contact information, organized by state.
- resources covers everything from citizenship to free e-mail services to youth education.
- Along with the Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the Association for Community Networking (AFCN), CTCNet publishes the Community Technology Review (which reports on national and local trends and policy developments around access to technology, CTCs and other related issues.
- HUD's Neighborhood Networks
- Neighborhood Networks is a community-based initiative of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that encourages the development of resource and computer learning centers in privately owned HUD-assisted and/or -insured housing. HUD has developed a number of really good resources, guides and fact sheets that are useful to anyone starting a CTC - not just Neighborhood Networks centers. They also have extensive links to non-HUD resources.
- OMB Watch Community Technology Centers
- OMB Watch works on budget issues, regulatory policy, nonprofit advocacy, access to government information, and the effects of technology on nonprofit organizations. This site has information on the latest national policy effecting CTCs and federal funding opportunities.
- Computers In Our Future
- This project of 11 centers throughout California has posted several toolkits for running a CTC on their Web site.
About the Author:
George Gundrey is a former Program Manager for the Community Technology Centers project at CompuMentor.
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