The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc

Primary Contact: 
John H. Conway, Jr., Vice-Chair.
401 S. Boston
Tulsa, OK 74103-4017
Type of Funder: 
Areas of Interest: 
Areas of Interest Description: 

The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc is interested in Christian organizations, hospitals and higher learning instututions.


Geographic Focus: 
Geographic Focus Limitations: 

The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc limits their giving to Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

Total Annual Giving: 


Average Grant Range: 


Average Number of Requests & Grants Per Year: 


Application Procedures: 

The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc requests that interested parties visit the foundation's website for application information. Applications are due on either March 1, June 1, September 1 or December 1.


Funding Limitations Description: 

The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc does not award financial gifts to individuals, educational institutes that do not provide higher learning, tax-supported institutions or for individual projects or scholarships.


Selected Grants: 

$75,000 to Our Lady's Inn, $110,000 to His Helping Hands, Inc., $475,000 to Dela Lamb Community Services, $550,00 to Bethel College

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: