Eastside SAY Yes!
The SAY Yes! Center (Save America's Youth Yes!) works in partnership with The Lift CDC (www.liftcdc.org), a neighborhood ministry on the eastside of St. Paul, and Here's Life Inner City (www.hlictwincities.org), a division of Campus Crusade for Christ.
The program serves children grades K-6 in an after-school program format, providing homework help, dinner, practical living skills, bible lesson, and recreation. This is a mentoring relationship-based minitry which holds to a ratio of 1-2 children per adult.
The program operates every Wednesday 4-7pm during the school year.
The Eastside SAY Yes Center exists to help eastside St. Paul children grow in a health Christ-centered way of life.
This program is non-denominational and is Christ-centered. We focus on the gospel message and how Jesus' love and sacrifice relates to how we live our lives.
We believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, was sent to earth to save humanity from their sinful nature. Jesus paid the price for all sin by living a sinless life, fully God and fully man, being crusified by our sin, and being risen from the dead. (John 3:16)