The Salvation Army New Orleans Area Command
The Salvation Army is an international organization with leadership vested in the General, the very nature of
its work calls for considerable national, territorial, and local autonomy. While the chain of command extends from the
General, through the chief of the staff, into overseas departments, actual administration is vested in the territories
within the United States and their individual community units.
The United States is divided into four territories, with headquarters in Des Plaines, Illinois; West Nyack, New York;
Atlanta, Georgia; and Long Beach, California, Each territory has its own commander, holding the rank of commissioner.
The National Commander and national chief secretary serve in coordinating capacities at The Salvation Army National
Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Each territory operates under the broad general policies established by International
Headquarters. National policies are established by the Commissioners' Conference, composed of the four territorial commanders and presided over by the National Commander.
This structure permits local leadership to respond to conditions and needs in each community, while maintaining unity on overall policies. The basic service unit of T he Salvation Army, is the corps community center. They provide a variety of local programs, ranging from religious services and evangelistic campaigns to family counseling, day-care centers, youth activities, and general programs.
The religious and social services implement the Army's purpose of preaching the gospel to effect spiritual, moral, and physical reclamation. The corps community centers within defined geographical boundaries comprise a division, with more than 40 divisions in the United States, responsible to their respective territorial headquarters.
Advisory organizations provide valuable assistance and advice. Local community leaders volunteer their efforts to help
the Army in maintaining good business and professional relations. Local advisory boards review annual budgets, help
coordinate programs with other agencies, and provide advise for local activities and fundraising campaigns. Other advisory
organizations serve specific Salvation Army programs in similar ways. A National Advisory Board, for instance, provides
guidance for programs and services throughout the United States.
Volunteers from all walks of life strongly support The Salvation Army in almost all of its activities. Their time and strong
commitment are essential to the success of the organization. The millions of volunteers who function as part of the Army's
ministry each year enhance the effectiveness of Army programs and services.
Major Michael and Teresa Hawley, are the Area Commanders responsible for the ministry of The Salvation Army, in New Orleans, Louisiana
The mission of The Salvation Army is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs without discrimination
in his name. It's Message is based on the Bible. It's ministry is motivated by the love of God. The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church.
The Salvation Army is a social service and religious organization providing services to those in need. In New Otrleans, Louisiana services include; Women and Children Shelter and Transitional Housing Programs, Emergency Food and Shelter Program, The Harbor Light Program, Mass Feeding Program, a distrbution Center, and Social Service office.