The Foundation For International Human Development and Environmental Studies is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in May 2000
Our vision is to to help our society get rid of or alleviate the social, human, economic and environmental problems facing people and to inform, educate and train people irrespective of his/her background to acquire basic knowledge about their social, economic and political rights and life as stated by the UN Charter, other International Conventions and as well as our National Constitution.
· To promote inter-cultural exchanges among countries;
· To sensitize the youth to be more proactive towards issues concerning the environment, biological and cultural diversity, social justice and vulnerable groups within the society;
· To involve in voluntary programs in order to reduce cost for all our projects and programs;
· To seek affiliations with other institutions all over the World in the realization of our goals;
· Mobilize resources (technical, logistics, and financial) from within and outside the country from other NGOs, civil societies, communities, Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other stakeholders for the projects and programs
Human Development Health and Nutrition
Culture & Development Food Security
Promoting Inter-Cultural Exchanges between Ghanaians and their international counterparts Appropriate post harvest technologies for horticultural crops in Ghana,as well as bringing Ict to the door step of every Ghanaian student to enable him or her have have basic knowledge of the computer world and world of information.
Promoting Voluntary Programs TB, HIV/AIDS /CANCER Awareness and Prevention Programs
Organizing Summer Youth Camps Population and Reproductive Health
Gender & Development: Women in Agro based Business; Education and Training of Rural Women; The role of Rural Women in Food Security in Ghana; Women Emancipation, Family Welfare Teen Age pregnancy
Non Formal Literacy Educational Programs for Rural Farmers Malaria Eradication
Occupational Training for the Unemployed Technology for Development Youth for Development ICT for Development Economic Development Appropriate Post-Harvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops in Ghana Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs Improvement for Farm-Level Infrastructures
Development and Operation of Agricultural Credit and Insurance in Ghana Technology Transfer fro Small-scale Farmers
Promoting Agribusiness for higher productivity
Environment and Development
Impact of Agricultural Practices on Environmental Sustainability in Ghana
Environmental Impact Assessment in Agricultural Projects
Soil Conservation and Water Resource Management
The Environment and Forest Management.