Habitat for Humanity Chicago South Suburbs
Our Goals:
1. We will empower deserving families with the opportunity to realize the dream of responsible homeownership.
2. We will provide simple, decent homes in the belief that working families who have a home of their own will contribute to a stronger and safer community.
Our Values:
We offer a hand-up; not a hand-out. Each Habitat partner family has an interest free mortgage and pays monthly to reduce their principal balance and cover real estate taxes and insurance. Partner families are required to contribute a minimum of 350 hours helping to build their own home and the homes of the other partner families.
Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people from all walks of life to build decent houses for families who otherwise would live in substandard conditions. We believe that affordable, safe housing is a necessary prerequisite for the health and well being of the people and communities we serve.
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat is founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, decent, affordable place to live in dignity and safety.
Habitat has an open-door policy: All who desire to be a part of this work are welcome, regardless of religious preference or background. Habitat for Humanity has always had a policy of building with people in need regardless of race or religion, and we welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds.