Smile Liberia International, Inc.
We are inviting you to join us in our efforts of bringing smile to the children of Liberia. During this period of recovery, we are seeking out partners interested in helping us rebuild the educational sector, which has been devastated by the civil unrests of the last decade and a half. By making a donation, you are supporting the advancement of the intellectual capital of Africa's oldest republic. The impact of the years of violence has left many schools in deplorable condition. In addition, most students cannot afford the basic educational costs for the few schools that are operational. This is a situation that has crippled our proud country and its people and we are joining in the efforts to affect a change.
To complete our goal, we plan to raise scholarship funds, collect school supplies, and help provide better learning opportunities for students in Liberia. Please help us reach this goal with your generous donations.
We leave you with a famous quote from Lady Nancy Astor: "Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity."