Green Care Habitat (GRECAH) is a local NGO established in Kenya in 2001 and registered under Kenya’s NGO Act (Reg.No. OP. 218/051/2003/023/2540) in April 2003 to simultaneously propagate issues of environmental conservation and management; HIV/AIDS awareness and management; and promotion of poverty alleviation initiatives.
GRECAH is working strategically to become an organization working across a broad spectrum on well being of mankind, but centered at environmental sustainability as strategic initiative to help our country be able to achieve economic, cultural and social benefits.
Most regions of the country once boasted of good, vegetation cover, good climatic conditions, ample rainfall and substantial water catchment areas, today are characterized by harsh climatic conditions (droughts and floods) due to wanton tree cutting thereby badly affecting the Kenya’s Agriculture Sector, which has directly resulted to food insecurity (Hunger/Starvation) and indirectly to HIV/AIDS encroachment hence the vicious cycle of poverty in the country.
Today, GRECAH works directly with poor and marginalized people across the country particularly those in Arid and Semi Arid lands (ASALs), to meet the basic needs and address the social/health problems. Through networks and coalitions with other organizations and partners, GRECAH is engaging in innovative strategies that give focus to environmental conservation and management, to address efforts to fight against HIV/AIDS and poverty.
A wealthy and healthy nation (Kenya) and the world at large founded on environmental conservation and management for sustainable development
To contribute towards sustainable development and improve the living-standards of the Rural Folk especially Women, Youth and Children; help in fight against Poverty and HIV/AIDS and other Social vices & Health problems, through the environmental perspective – all which fall under Cooperate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and biblically expressed as the hand that giveth is the one that receiveth.