L'Arche Greater Washington, DC
At L'Arche, people with and without developmental disabilities share daily
life, chores, laughter, and prayer while creating deep friendships in an ecumenical faith community.
"In a divided world, L'Arche wants to be a sign of hope. Its communities, founded on covenant relationships between people of differing intellectual capacity, social origin, religion and culture, seek to be a sign of unity, faithfulness and reconciliation." -International Charter of L'Arche
"People with cognitive disabilities have transformed my life and the lives
of many others. God seems to use them to awaken our hearts, to lead us to greater wholeness and to give us back our humanity." - Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche
Building communities of faith and lifelong homes with people who have intellectual disabilities.
L'Arche Greater Washington, DC is part of a world-wide network of communities inspired by the Beatitudes. At the heart of these communities are people with a developmental disability and those who share life with them.
We are an ecumenical Christian Community which welcomes people of all faiths and at all stages on their faith journey.