
Organization Description: 

Do you want a overseas experience that is full of meaning and a sense of contribution to a worthy goal? Do you want to experience Nepal first hand - living in a local community, forming long-term friendships and experiencing Nepal's people and culture authentically? FACE Nepal is a unique organization in its dedication to providing clear benefit to the community through direct responsibility to the community and with a transparent and ethical organizational structure. If you are interested in supporting a worthy cause and want to be involved in making a positive change, then FACE NEPAL wants you.

Patihani-5 Pakadi
Pakadi, NE 97756
Mission Statement: 

Uplifting communities through collaboration, education and friendship.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: