DOOR Atlanta
DOOR Atlanta has a board of directors and one full time staff person. DOOR Atlanta hires six summer staff and utilizes a combination of interns and volunteers to live out our mission.
Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection (DOOR) is a faith based urban service-learning program that exposes, educates, challenges, and motivates participants to respond to the issues and concerns facing an increasingly urban world. Program offerings range from a weekend to a year and include opportunities for individuals and groups.
Our Strategy:
Expose people in a direct way to the city. Participants will spend from a weekend to one year living in an urban context, working with various helping agencies, churches and ministries already present in the community.
Educate people by spending time reflecting on the gifts as well as the needs of urban people and the communities in which they live. Participants will be asked to think about their lives and lifestyles.
Challenge people to consider Biblical responses to the issues of poverty, racism, and injustice facing the city, developing in them an awareness of the multiple ministry opportunities available both in the city and in their home town.
Motivate people to act in constructive, appropriate and loving ways both now and in the future, asking individuals to consider ministry and service an essential daily part of living out their authentic Christian faith.
Our Faith Perspective: Recognizing the various faith traditions from which we come, DOOR Atlanta commits to the following faith statement:
We consider Jesus Christ our model of living for God and the answer to human need, hostility, and violence; God commands us: to respect life, love all people (even our enemies), reconcile broken relationships, and pursue justice. Our bond with other followers of Jesus transcends all racial, social, economic and national barriers. We view the Bible as our guide for faith and life.
Core Values:
* We believe, as followers of Jesus, that all people are created in the image of God.
* We believe in respect for all peoples in all communities.
* We seek peace and justice; simple and abundant living; service as a lifestyle in a community setting through partnerships and education, reflecting diversity.