Young African Towards Education(YATE)
Young Africans Towards Education (YATE) is a non profit community organization which is development oriented geared in helping the local community, giving social support to uplift their living standards through educatin. It was formed in the year 2008 by a group of Primary, Secondary, Collage and University students from Rusinga East, Mbita in Suba District- Nyanza Province in Kenya-Eastern Africa
The organization operates its programme within a small island in Kenya called Rusinga. Rusinga Island is surrounded by a very beautiful fresh water lake called Lake Victoria. The land on which the project is sited is 200 meters from the lake. The island is joined to the mainland by a causeway. The island is known for the pre-historic discoveries, tourism, fishing sports and water sports.
The organization caters for Rusinga communities mainly Lianda, Utajo and Kamgere Communities. With recent government statistics taken the total population from these communities is estimated at 15500 comprising. The average life expectancy is 45 years with high number of females than males. The location where the project is located is the poorest in Nyanza Province. The average income per person per month averages Kenya shillings 2000 (USD 50). The main economic activity is fishing and subsistence farming. However about 30 people mainly males are on permanent employment either inside the community. The income generated from theses communities is mainly spent on food shelter, clothing, , medical care etc leaving them with deficits every month. With this level of income some families barely afford a meal a day. But it sounds very painful that out of this statistics, only one out of twenty in ratio form are educated hence YATE is out to campaign against this so that as people of Rusinga we may be recognized as pioneers.
Young Africans Towards Education (YATE) intends to identify communities suffering from impoverishment and education. Working with local leaders to identify needs, we have started campaign against inequality for gender and school drop outs for orphans and young leaders who can not access to quality education. We also intend to have sanitation project offering clean water systems and develop programs to help them protect their fragile environments.
Our future plan entails to build a community center with learning tools and internet access, identify training programs that support our efforts to build local economies. For example, on Rusinga Island in Kenya, we do teach young and talented youths on importance of education and we also do give them morale by asking from well wishers to support their education characters by identifying for them quality education to replace prostitution and gambling which has over raided most communities in Rusinga/Mbita- Suba district .
By supporting YATE, you directly affect the lives of people living in these communities, giving them hope and opportunity. They are able to develop skills and start new businesses, create jobs, invest in their environment, control the spread of infectious diseases and ultimately live better, healthier lives but only when we come together and sing a chorus in form of a logo that is ‚¢€œEradicate poverty through education‚¢€?
(i)Education Programme:
The organization started a campaign programme which fights for the freedom of education to all people equally and is also out to fight the early marriage for girl child
(ii). Environmental Conservation
During every august holidays, the organization combine with other NGOs to do cleanings mostly in beaches where number of slums are very high hence with an aim of reducing diseases such as cholera etc
(iii). HIV/AIDs home based care:
The group monitors PLWHAs (People Living With HIV/Aids), working with other stakeholders with an aim of providing them with basic health care, nutrition and other basic needs.
(iv). Poverty Eradication Programme:
The group is giving social support to the community through their local initiatives, by giving social support as well as a boost for them to uplift their economic standards.
The following are the executive leaders of YATE as per now;
1. Shem Otieno Joshua- Organization director (Collage Student)
2. Geophrey Ocholla Ajwang-Secretary (University student)
3. Lynda Okello- Ass. Secretary (Collage Student)
4. Francis Opiyo- Coordinator (Well wisher-Director of Educampaigner see
5. Cathrine Cathy-Organizing secretary (Collage student)
6. Erick Malowa-Ass. Coordinator (High School Student)
From the look of things, the organization is directly toward education and that is why it has come in direct appointment of young and volunteer leaders to manage the organization.
As at now, we have 50 members but the number is increasing each month i.e. 5 boys and 3 girls. They are of 13-35 years of age. Due to lack of funds, members are forced to pay some amount to help in running the organization and also asking well wishers to help in contributing.
YATE is open for any insights that may deem necessary depending on the availability of resources for the benefit of the people and the community not only so but YATE intend to enlarge its wings to the whole Africa as a continent by getting as many people as possible from the world and from within Kenya.
1. To support education of unable and isolated by paying school fee but only when we are supported
2. To buy uniforms to total/partial orphans and children from poor families who can not afford the same but are bright
3. To avail safe and clean for drinking water within the centre. The community gets its water from Lake Victoria but the water is not safe for drinking and therefore needs to be treated before use. This requires storage tanks.
Kenya is one of the countries in Africa which has been greatly affected by Poverty, Lack of Education and HIV&AIDS pandemic and at one time the government declared it a national disaster. As a result, most children are left as orphans. In most cases these children do not have access to education facilities. Early Childhood Education (ECD) Centres, which should provide the basic foundation for primary schooling, are particularly missing. Most of the children, who have parents, are not able to afford the education due to poverty.
There are also other children who can not be able to get early childhood education due to distance one needs to cover in order to access some of these few facilities available. Given the age of these children they are unable to walk long distances to reach ECD facilities.
The economic status of the project area as stated earlier is the worst in Nyanza province according to recent statistics while Nyanza is also the poorest province in Kenya.
Most people in the most areas do not have secondary and college education due to poverty. There are so many youths that after passing class eight and form four examinations (high school) are not able to pursue secondary and college education respectively due to lack of funds. This has hence in the past caused high rate of school dropouts resulting into anti social behaviours such as early marriage for the girl-child, child labour, drug abuse and high rate of dependency.
The project targets to benefit a population of approximately 3000 households, residing in Utajo and Lianda villages of Rusinga Island in Mbita District and later on to enlarge its quality to mostly affected areas in Kenya and finally to the whole Africa.
The statistics available from National AIDS Control Council of Kenya show that Suba District is the leading District in the prevalence of HIV & AIDS. This has given rise to the number of HIV & AIDS orphans to alarming levels. Most of these orphans are orphaned after their parents have depleted the resources in their families in pursuit of medication during their long ailments. This places the orphans in a state where they cannot even afford to pay for their basic needs thereby placing strain on their pursuit for education and education is seen as a luxury and not a basic need and a right of the concerned children.
With enhanced capacity building to the poor we believe that the poverty level would go down and the problem of poverty would be half way solved.
Monitoring of the progress of the project will be done by YATE Community Development Evaluators (YACODE). The group has well experienced members who have dedicated themselves to the development of the community projects.
In addition to these teams, the donors are also welcome to do their evaluation.
Director-Young Africans Towards Education (YATE)
P.o Box 175
Tel: +254700573812/+254738880570
Web site:
After reading and understanding why and how YATE come to be known, please we request you to consider it a positive organization to whole Africa and therefore, we do ask you to contribute whatever you may have to go direct to their education campaign for both boys and girls whom they fight for. Your contribution will be well appreciated, thank in advance.
Please below is a form to fill when making contribution.
N/B: Any form of amount won‚¢€™t be accepted unless you come in person and witness the progress of the organization.
Name Profession Nationality ID NO Amount in Ksh/ USD Recommendation to the YATE organization
Membership for Non Rusinga Resident
For a person to become a member of YATE he/she must;
1. Be of 13-35 years of age
2. Must be literate, that is must be able to speak English
3. Must demonstrate his/her willingness to support the society and the organization
4. Must do registration to the organization executive body by paying Kenyan shillings 2000 and make sure that he/she receive a confirmatory e mail or receipt from the Director
Volunteering to the organization
Currently, the organization is looking for volunteers who are willing to work with the organization to help in teaching the youthful Rusinga people in schools, churches and conferences on how to upgrade education sector in Rusinga and on importance of girl child education to the society
We do give accommodation and shelter to members who are willing to be part of us through volunteering
MOU of the organization will only be given to those who are interested
The Young African Towards Education (YATE)unleashes the potential of youth, adults,unable, and communities to engage together in creating a just and equitable society for the future leaders of the world
The sharing of the Good News is more credible and more authentic when the young and their educators are in solidarity with the poor in the pursuit of justice. In this context young people are able to perceive the vocational call to commit themselves to the YATE mission, including as being faithful for our bodies is the temple of God