Open Door Outreach & Development, INC
An organization that engages people of all diverse backgrounds and cultures in service to address one of the most critical problems in the community---successful reentry of ex-offenders into our communities.Social and environmental factors(poverty, racism, lack of education), service factors( accessibility to and availability of affordable, collaborated and quality services and programs), and physical factors(place of residence, homelessness, transportation) contribute to choices that these individuals make out of desperation that result in them committing crimes and cycling in and out of jail. All of these factors prevent successful transitioning back into our communities. We want to provide help and hope--these are citizens who need assistance and the door is open!
We are committed to helping ex-offenders to earn the public trust through development and maintenance of their lifestyles, by promoting alternatives to jail and strengthening families and our communities.
We believe that all human life is of inestimable value and significance; Also, that the commandment of neighborly love compels us to assist ex-offenders in crisis with healthy, life affirming and practical assistance to reenter our communities as viable citizens.