Restoring African Cultural Harmony

Organization Description: 

Restoring African Cultural Harmony Organization (RACHO) is an indigenous, fully registered (Reg No. S.5914/8087 by NGO board) Ugandan Non ‚ Government Organization with historical focus on restoring African Culture with a vision ‚?To restore traditional sanity by harmonizing and developing societies togatiher with different partners worldover‚?

RACHO‚?s main objective is to sensitize the community about culture and Development that will enable it take actions deemed redemptive rotating around culture and traditions. This is aimed at curbing the acts of human sacrifice, HIV/Aids spread, money robbery through fraud, Human Rights advocacy and many unveiled evils that are rampant in African Countries all done by the rogue elements in the name of traditional healer‚?s fraternity and cultural poor perception.

Problem Of The Question
There has been increasing members of people calling them selves traditional healers raising to 650,000 the registered and the unregistered who are many also but operating. This has led to many evils including money robbery through fraud, lose of property, human sacrifice, HIV spread all done in the name of witch craft healing and these have been rampart in the media since 2000. Unless something is done to cheek on the problem, the society continues to suffer.

From the above problems, RACHO set a wide rage of programs to enable both neutralize the problems and meet its objects through sensitizing different communities about the cause. The programs/ Projects set to curb the above problems include the following.

‚? Anti ‚?Child/Human Sacrifice and Human Trafficking
‚? The poverty Project
‚? Hiv/Aids
‚? Advocating for Human Rights
‚? Traditional Cultural Preservation
‚? Guidance and Counselling
‚? Environment Project
‚? Child Abuse etc.

Kabowa1 Dinia Wankulukuku Rd
Kampala, 25641
Mission Statement: 

Our mission si to improving the social welfare of marginalised sections of societies; by initiating income generating activities, Creating HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, providing psychosocial support through counselling and guidance, cultural preservation, human rights advocacy, mitigate the effects of environmental change and fight sexual abuse through empowering people with their culture.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Length of Trip: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: