The Needy Today-Sierra Leone
The Needy Today Sierra Leone through its activities envisions communities, enable children and their families to live in Dignity and Worthy life while they realise the full potential of mellifluous and savoury livelihood.
Help forward and support community efforts to improve the quality of life of children and their families.
Make easy a process of communication amongst different cultures, to enhance mutual understanding and appreciation.
Promote the Rights and Interest of children.
Support and facilitate the programmes of God?s Kingdom in a hurting community.
The Needy Today Sierra Leone came as a need and desire to address issues of children, their families and communities about unexpected changes and adverse circumstances that has hindered their progress, intensified their problems and cause to bear on them various forms of afflictions and frustration in the rural and communities without NGO or Governmental support bodies in existence, in alleviating poverty, helping stem the tide of social disintegration in a wide varieties of areas and creating productive employment.
These areas have many various and inter-related problems, which has been a reservoir of human problems and misery of extreme hardship and indignity such as rural-to-urban migration and lack of basic educational standards, technical training, adequate and modern farming tools, infrastructure such as good roads, bridges and housing facilities, human resources management, post harvest loss reduction facilities, incentives, transportation facilities, social services, better health and employment opportunities.
Sierra Leone
The Needy Today Sierra Leone aims to assist needy children, their families and communities in Sierra Leone to achieve better lives bringing bring lasting results in health, education and livelihood.
The Needy Today Sierra Leone is a nationality child-focused development organization linking caring people in the world and at home with needy children and their families in Sierra Leone.
The Needy Today implement development programs to help families lift themselves out of poverty. Together they combine The Needy Today?s proven, individualized assistance with personal communications and comprehensive accountability to sponsors. Programmes in communities are strengthened by development education worldwide.
We are reaching concern people with Christ in them to save the lives of the destitute children, by sponsoring them monthly.
As it is written in the bible "the needs of the children are not to be forgetton"