Towel & Basin
We provide information and training resources for individuals and organizations serving in charitable, community and nonprofit service. Our training, technical assistance, networking and solutions based services focus on start up and small to medium sized community, faith-based and not for profit groups to help build their capacity for service that is meaningful and transformative. Our capacity building emphasizes personal-leadership development, organization development (of mission/vision statements and board governance) and online communictions (web and social media)
The mission of Towel & Basin is to help people and organizations discover their God-given visions, develop to their full potential, and demonstrate excellence in service to God's world.
Towel & Basin ‚’s mission and purpose emerge from the ministry of Jesus. We affirm the Christian faith as confessed in the historic Apostles ‚’ and Nicene creeds. Our organization ‚’s name continuously calls us to follow Jesus ‚’ example and be a ‚"servant of all. ‚" (Mark 9:35)