Whole Woman Ministries
This ministry had been in operation since 2006. It is our desire to be sensitive to the needs of others as we cultivate an attitude of servitude. We provide support serves to women who have been abused mentally, physically, sexually and emotionally and are on their road to recovery. Whether they are saved, unsaved, undecided, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender or a backslider. We welcome all!
To enhance the lives of women through the transforming power of Jesus christ by building spiritual relationships, developing mental balance and wholeness.
W believe:
In the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The full diety and humanity of Christ
The substitutionary atonement and resurrection o Christ
Salvation by faith alone in christ alone
The physical return of Christ
The authority and inerranccy of scripture
Man was created in the image and likenesso God
Sanctify power of the Holy Spirit, evident by speaking in tongue