Ever Reaching Community Outreach
Because Christ gave himself for us, we as Christians, are called to give of ourselves to Him. We will be ever reaching, ever seeking opportunities to show Christ's love by serving others and providing them a message of hope and faith in Jesus Christ. Ever Reaching Community Outreach is a group of Christian believers of all denominations whose mission is to "love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19). We are committed, because of our love of Jesus Christ, to reach out to the poor and needy around us as we are called in Isaiah 58:7 to "share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them." We want our actions to speak for our hearts, and we will work together to meet the physical needs of the less fortunate by distributing food, clothing, furniture, appliances and other supportive items at no cost to them; and will meet their spiritual needs through prayers, distribution of Bibles, personal and group evangelism, and by actively showing them unconditional love. We will strive to love every family we come in contact with as Christ loves us; to reach out and provide hope; and to share the healing and inspired word of God to these needy individuals. Jesus commanded us in John 20:21, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." We believe we are called to go to become better servants of God by serving each other, our church, and our community, and we will become more like Christ by seeking his direction, and sharing His love with others. As we allow God to work in and through us, we ourselves become more and more conformed to the image and likeness of His son Jesus. We are only able to go and serve the hurting and oppressed of our surrounding communities by the grace of God and through donations given to this ministry. Area churches and individuals are coming together, no matter the denomination, to help and minister to the families in need in our surrounding communities. We want to ask you to please consider being a part of this incredible experience. If you're interested, please contact us. The work is going to be hard, but the blessings are going to be great!
Because Christ gave himself for us, we as Christians, are called to give of ourselves to Him. We will be ever reaching, ever seeking opportunities to show Christ's love by serving others and providing them a message of hope and faith in Jesus Christ.