SoulFest is the largest Christian music festival in New England - with 125+ bands and 13,000-15,000 people in attendance. This year's SoulFest theme is TRUE LOVE TRANSFORMS. Our nature is to live, day-to-day in a Fear-based paradigm, even as "Christians" we struggle to believe we are loved unconditionally, to believe we are worthy of love, and therefore, this shapes our perspectives, choices, our lives. As we allow God’s love into every corner and closet of our lives - healing us, freeing us, transforming us - our capacity to love ourselves, our families, our neighbors and look after "the least of these" matures, increases, blossoms, soars, because True Love Transforms.
Bottom line with God's Love... do you really believe it will prevail? It's hard to see God's love when a Tornado rips your neighborhood apart, we you've lost your job and can't find another, when you've lost your house, in the wars, in the sickness, in the poverty and so on.... Jesus said many times to fear not. There's a scripture that says, " this world you will have many trials and tribulations, but fear now, for I have overcome this world..." We've got to have faith that God's Love will ultimately prevail. If you believe this, than move forward in that belief and live your life in that light. Daily give your worries and cares to God. Don't let them distract you from what you believe. Surrender your worries as they emerge... and focus on daily loving those under your roof, in your neighborhood, your community, throughout this this world as you are led and inspired.
Either God has us in the palm of His hand or not. Live what you believe. If you believe He loves you and that no matter what my come your way, he will never leave you, then we will not be constantly overwhelmed with fear. We therefore need to stop living as if we're victims, abandoned, alone and with faith, allow the truth of God's Love to transform us and become evident through us. This is a maturing process. This requires faith and action. This year's theme addresses chronic fear and worry. Many of us are trapped in it, overwhelmed by it. The Good News is, by Grace, we've all been set free, forgiven, and God's love will prevail even if we don't have a clear understanding of it in this very moment. With faith we believe God is Love and this Love is Everywhere. This will increase our capacity to love one another.
Regarding Charity alliances, rather than focus on one this year, we will have a variety of great ministries that we would like to introduce the SoulFest attendees too, as they present opportunities for each of us to engage and help those in need.
In addition to the great music, some great inspiring workshops, the beautiful setting, the fellowship and fun, God will certainly make himself known, he is present and moving throughout and within. SoulFest is a platform to introduce and inspire. Our hope is that those who attend will be inspired to grow and become engaged locally and globally, standing up for the least of these, reflecting the good news through our actions, living the revolution Jesus started. There will be all kinds of transformation happening. We hope you'll join us for this renewing experience.
SoulFest exists to celebrate and advance the love of God and love for neighbor through an annual festival of Music, Love and Action. It is our hope that all who attend are moved to answer GodÂ’s call to live relationally with God and neighbor in their communities and throughout the world and to take action against any injustice that crosses their path.
I want to live from the inside out as a soul-connected risk-taking follower of Jesus. With the help of God and my friends, I pledge to live the revolution Jesus started, one day at a time... because eternity begins today:
With myself and Jesus: I will further develop my intimate relationship with God by nurturing my soul, heart and mind and body, intellectually, and devotionally. I will take time to allow God to minister to my soul in silence, in prayer, in meditation, in music, and in the word.
With my family and loved ones: Charity will flourish in my actions and with my words, I will love my family, my spouse, my children, my brothers, my sisters, my parents, and all those who share my home.
With my neighbors: The people who live next to me, across the street and down the block. I will meet them, get to know them, serve them, love them, in action and in words.
With my community: I will use my gifts and talents to serve my community by serving those whom Jesus commands us to serve. Whether in a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, senior center, big brother/big sister program, prison ministry, local school, library, or any other point of need, I will commit to at least 2 hours of volunteer service each month.
With our church fellowship: I will commit to serve my brothers and sister unselfishly, allow Christ to use me to build his church and not try to make it mine. I will be more giving of my time, gifts and resources, to help the church be the body Christ calls us to be to each other and the world.
With my fellow inhabitants of this global village: I will regard each one as my neighbor. I will respond to those in need wherever they may live. I will work for peace, justice, and reconciliation wherever they are needed and I will give of my time, talent, and resources to lift up, encourage, and support anyone God brings across my path, regardless of race, religion, or class.
With God’s creation: I will intentionally accept the responsibility to be a steward of this beautiful earth God has blessed us with. I pledge myself to leave it better than when I found it, locally, nationally, and throughout the world.
I will...
stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves
support the sanctity of life everywhere
build relationships that reflect Jesus’ priorities for all God’s purposes
fight against powers and principalities
become more aware of, educated about, and responsive to all indignities and injustices that enslave those who are weaker and who suffer from extreme poverty
not be silent or passive, because these crimes are so great an atrocity against the image of God
Today, this is my pledge to pursue True Love and live the revolution Jesus started.