Mount Carmel High School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School is a grant-aided institution under the patronage of the Society of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). The philosophy of educational institutions managed by SOLT institutions are committed to a wholesome education whereby the individual is led towards Trinitarian relationships to bear fruit for God?s Kingdom. Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School (OLMCHS) was established as a secondary institution of life and human formation. As such, it remains faithful to the mandate of Jesus Christ to make true disciples who will bear fruit for the Church and Holy Spirit. It is founded on Jesus Christ, the fount of graces, and on His Church, the Guardian of faith.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School is an inclusive Catholic secondary school committed to academic excellence and to developing the ability of students to become active participants as members of His Church and engaged disciples of Jesus Christ. Through a Catholic institution it is also dedicated to fostering the holistic development of every student.
While they need not be Catholic, MCHS teachers must try to live according to the standards of morality of the Catholic Church.