WOMEN Call center Uganda is community based organization established by women in kasese western Uganda to address women challenges on Rwenzori mountains. We are charity organization in women area of agriculture,health,conservation,orphan education,vocational training and women empowerment and Eco-Tourism.
Goal: To increase ways for women to access community resources for sustainable development Mission:To ensure that all communities are achieving a society transformation in socail development enterprises for economic and socio-cultural rural Development. Vision : improving well developed women economy that involves self reliance for economic empowerment to achieve women reformation and transformation of rural women. OBJECTIVES OF women call centre 1) Promote advocacy for marginalized women and peace building initiatives in the communities. 2) Promotion and support of community health programs geared towards health improvement in the doubly marginalized communities 3) To suport vocational training to the double marginalized groups. 4) To increase economic small scale business organizations for women development
women call center Uganda is charity based helping christens on Rwenzori Mountains. we support work of vulnerable Christians to reduce their vulnerabilities.