Orthodox Anglican Church IN Uganda
The Orthodox Anglican Church is a christian church which practices the gospel as it was in the early church and as handed down by the Anglican church tradition as embedded in 1662 Book of Common Prayer and in the 39 Articles Religion.
To preach the gospel and serve the people of God indiscriminately of all tribes, races , colour, gender and bring them to God wholesomely with their economic social political persuasions as we improve on the world created by God. And to create a God fearing peacefully joyful society with truth,justice, loving, sharing and giving mind.
The Orthodox Anglican is a christian church that believes in God the father, the Son and Holy Spirit as unified in love to bring peace, joy and love to mankind. It believes that thebible has all knowledge,truth and counsel for mans salvation and sound morality.
it believes in Godly service to mankind. It proclaims GODS love to all mankind.