Organizing Paperwork, Centralizing Information (Misty Wise 07-08)

Member Name: Misty Wise

Service Site: Central City Community Outreach

Site Location: Los Angeles, CA

Project Description:

When she began serving at CCCO, Misty Wise noted that the organization's high turnover rate for staff contributed to a widening information gap that confused and frustrated volunteers.  Her final project was the creation of a binder and filing system that would house all CCCO's policies, partner contact information, projects, checklists, as well as lists of the site's vocabulary as a reference for new volunteers.  Misty hoped that such a system would be an excellent training resource for both incoming and experienced volunteers, consolidating information and preventing important forms from being misplaced.

The PowerPoint presentation includes Misty's rationale for the project, and the other three documents are a binder table of contents and sample forms that may be helpful for other organizations, provided that they are edited to suit particular needs.

Misty Wise project presentation.ppt431.5 KB
Sample Binder - CCCO81 KB
Group Information Form24.5 KB
Volunteer Application33.5 KB


Organization Affiliation: 
Faith (for Content):