ACDF Nepal
Since Volunteer Venture intervene in both, social-economic and cultural domains, the scope of our partnerships is broad and includes: government school,private schools, hospitals, NGOs, public services, health centres, responsible tour operators, artists, women’s associations and diverse associations, fighting against poverty, aids, handicaps and the lack of hygiene and education
The Volunteer Venture Nepal Development-projects are initiated to help locals carry through changes that they think are needed to improve life in their area. The projects include the building and running of schools, sponsorships to schoolchildren and capacity building training as well as micro business support and giving health education in clinics and in the communities. Volunteer Venture runs the projects by funding and organizing the initial work together with a local committee.
Due to the belief that intercultural meetings and exchange leads to development of both parties Volunteer Venture organizes volunteer and education programs through which people from abroad can come to Nepal. The volunteers are selected to workplaces in need of help and students can take courses or do their thesis and internships in Nepal. During the time in Nepal most of the program participants
Volunteer Venture offers unique community tourism programmes which are designed for everyone (groups & indivivuals) who likes to experience the Nepelease culture and while staying in a host family or a hostel. There only two conditions: majority and an open mind. All programmes are available all year long. Click on your preferred programme to learn more:
ACDF, a non-profit organization, is only a means to offer a great opportunity to the international community to see and learn the unique cultures, to observe the amazing panorama of the landscapes, mountains, greenery hills, lakes and unbelievably friendly and smiley people of the world.
ACDF welcomes people from all over the world to have Once In A Life Time to experience. It offers and excellent friendly environment to work in schools and to stay in safe, friendly environment.