ACT about our community and talents
a club called ACT! It's a help your community where teens with a burning passion to serve do all kinds of things to pour out on our community! We share the light and joy in our lives with pleasure! We do this while having fun , strengthening our community, and growing together! We have an abundance of heart and talent in this community that we can do so many things for them!! We while there are still hurts to be mended , problems to solve ,and people to reach we will be there ! But even with all this we still need help. We would love it if you would volunteer for us!
What we do and how:
Sharing the love and joy of my life to others!This is a burning passion of helping our community in an abundance of ways!With our schools overflow of talent and heart we can meet the needs of our community in all kinds of ways! We need to close the hurts and serve those who need it most so we can pour joy out on all we serve and even ourselves!Our community needs us! So while there are still hurts to be mended , problems to solve, people to be reached and a place to pour out on we will be there! ( We help single parents, homeless, orphans, hunger, disaster relief, poverty ,and anything at all!),
 why it's important:
Because it just breaks my heart how much I've been given. And to see families separated people starving or offering when there's something we can do in our community.Just think if that was you or someone you loved! I just cant bear to think of it ! I know there our people everywhere so why not start with the heart break in our own community!
the plan of action:
To gather people from my community with the same passion and go out and get dirty! We will spend our weekends and weekdays dreaming to help and then doing it! We will have fundraisers, dances, carwashes, tournaments, clean up, visits, care packages, and so so much more! We will have meetings to share when and what should be done! We will not be afraid of what people think and we will serve our community! We will do anything what ever it takes to get out and do something!We can all grow in this together as we reach those who need it most while finding ourselves and grow to appreciate what we have!