Africa Revolution
Africa Revolution is an innovative vision in its early stages of growth. We desire to bridge the gap between the West and suffering Africa. Serving as a trustworthy, grassroots connection we want to foster deeper, authentic relationship between these two. By coming alongside and supporting local churches, and their work in their communities, we are seeing the holistic redemption of God in impoverished communities. This work includes orphan care, an internship program, and various skills development projects.
Africa Revolution exists to see the holistic redemption of God in impoverished communities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
In reciprocal & authentic relationship together we seek to;
create a bridge that spans the gap between the global community and suffering Africa.
facilitate tangible channels of compassion and action on a grassroots level.
empower, equip, and develop these communities by coming alongside local churches in Africa whom are radically serving their communities. Transformation occurs in these 3 ways:
1. Caring for Orphans & Widows* (Building & sustaining Church Orphan Homes that provide 24/7 care to orphans in a loving family environment. See our innovative church/orphan home model)
2. Internship Program* (A learning experience of compassion & skills transference through a year-long internship program in Africa for interns from around the world.)
3. Partnership Projects* (By providing vital, empowering education and resources, and making them accessible to the poor through specific and practical partnership projects.)
*These efforts flow out of one innovative building. A local church/orphan home/ development center built within each community.
Africa Revolution's Statement of Faith
1. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. 2. We believe that God has revealed Himself and His truth in the created order, in the Scriptures, and supremely in Jesus Christ; and that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and inerrant in the original writing, so that they are fully trustworthy and of supreme and final authority in all they say.
3. 3. We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His present rule as Head of the Church and in His personal return in power and glory.
4. 4. We believe God promises, to all who trust in the gospel, forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, the presence of the Holy Spirit in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in that kingdom which has no end.
5. 5. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
6. 6. We believe that the one, holy, universal Church is the body of Christ and is composed of the communities of Christ's people. The task of Christ's people in this world is to be God's redeemed community, embodying His love by worshipping God with confession, prayer, and praise; by proclaiming the gospel of God's redemptive love through our Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth by word and deed; by caring for all of God's creation and actively seeking the good of everyone, especially the poor and needy.
7. 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, with equality across racial, gender, and class differences.
8. 8. We believe in the blessed hope that Jesus Christ will soon return to this earth, personally, visibly, and unexpectedly, in power and great glory, to gather His elect, to raise the dead, to judge the nations, and to bring His Kingdom to fulfillment.