African Enterprise
African Enterprise was founded in 1961 by a South African, Michael Cassidy, with the express mission: "To evangelize the cities of Africa, through word and deed, in partnership with the Church."
African Enterprise is a Christian interdenominational, multicultural ministry of evangelism; reconciliation; leadership development training; relief and community development. Our scope is all of Africa. AE leaders are African nationals that work with local church and parachurch leaders to mobilize congregations in outreach to African cities. Sixteen or more strategic cities are being reached this way each year. AE's ultimate vision is to see an Africa of peace and justice through the spiritual renewal and transformed lives of thousands of people.
AE's city wide mission methodology is long term and a high priority is encouraging and training the local Church, particularly leadership. Several years can go into preparing a mission. Fostering and encouraging unity amongst the local churches and parachurches is primary, as is the training of God's people in evangelism, discipleship, prayer, pastoral care and follow-up. AE and local evangelists present the gospel to many strata of society, from influential leaders to street children, using an effectively developed "stratified" evangelism strategy.
To evangelize the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church.
The Divine Inspiration of Scripture (Our authority in all matters of faith, morals and ministry)
Holiness, Prayerfulness, Good Stewardship and Integrity of Life (Biblical demand and the prerequisite for effective Christian service)
The Lausanne Covenant (Our Constitutionally enshrined statement of faith)
The Primacy of Evangelism and Reconciliation (Our basic calling and core competence)
The Philosophy of Biblical Holism (Necessitating a ministry of the whole gospel for the whole person)
Team Work (Requiring the maintenance of unity of fellowship, mind and purpose)
The Method of Partnership with Churches and Specialized Agencies (Requiring cooperation and synergy in terms of not only evangelism and the vital work of discipleship, but also Aid and Development projects)
The Principle of Research Based Strategy (Bringing both spiritual and sociological understanding to shape our planning and actual ministry in urban mission context)
The Recognition of Limits and Parameters to Both AE??s Calling and Capability (Requiring focus of both social and training ministries into our primary arenas of ministry in the cities of Africa)
The Strategic Importance of Reaching Leadership in Africa (Focus of influence and power)
The Importance of Not Forgetting the Poor (These being very specially upon the heart of Christ and omnipresent in the African context)
The Necessity of Ministry to Families and Young People (An area of deep need in a Continent much troubled by domestic and marital breakdown