Alan B. Slifka Foundation, Inc.

Primary Contact: 
Alan B. Slifka, President/Treasurer/Board Member
477 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Type of Funder: 
Areas of Interest: 
Areas of Interest Description: 




Geographic Focus: 
Geographic Focus Limitations: 

Primarily funds organizations based in New York, but has a history of funding organizations located in the following states:  Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Montana, Illinois, Vermont, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, Alabama, and Arkansas.

The Foundation has also funded organizations based in the countries of Israel and England.

Total Annual Giving: 


Application Procedures: 

Please contact the Foundation for more information.

Funding Limitations Description: 

Please contact the Foundation for more details.

Selected Grants: 

Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, New York 2004:  $2,000

Colel Chabad, New York 2004:  $500

Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, New York 2004:  $1,000

Hartford Seminary, Connecticut 2005:  $25,000

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: