All the children are children, Inc.
ATCAC provide free basic education,work skills training, Health care, rebuilt schools, shelter, Clean drinking water to orphaned and disable family in Haiti. ATCAC operate Monday to Friday from 7:AM to 4:PM.
Bringing a School to Life in Haiti
In a remote village in Haiti called Coco Lester, a family of six felt compelled to help the children who lived among the poorest of the poor. They began by cleaning some land in a dense area and building a makeshift pavilion. They gathered some adults who shared the same dream and called them teachers.
A rusted bell rang out and children from ages 3 to 18 came in numbers. As emotions overwhelmed them, they named the school the All the Children Are Children School. That was seven years ago. Today the children are still coming in record numbers.
Presently, up to 300 children attend school each day in a one-room building that was meant to hold 25 to 30 children. The remaining children stay underneath nearby trees if weather permits.
ATCAC is seeking responsible volunteers to help finish an unfinished building that we have started since before the January 12 earthquake free time is required in other to accomplished this goal.
Duties as follows:
Engineer, Carpenter, Lumber, Electrician,
The ATCACÂ’s mission is to empower the lives of families living on the Countryside sland of Haiti, thus reversing community, cultural, and economic deterioration. ATCAC seeks to educate, feed, clothe, Health care, Sanitation, clean drinking water and provide medical assistance to those in need, while developing working skills for young adults to become self-sufficient and contributive members of society.
ATCAC is strongly believe the purpose we are in this world is to help the least.