The Mission of Amazing Grace Community Church is to Teach, Renewing, Rebuilding and Restoring GodÂ’s people, the Community and the body of Christ through GodÂ’s unconditional Love. To minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional and environmental needs of all the people spreading ChristÂ’s word through Bible study, Faith Conferences, Cancer ExpoÂ’s, Health and Fitness Conferences and Outreach programs. To renew the broken hearted, poor in spirit by Christ Liberating Word in the building of New Congregations throughout the United States and Overseas. To reach as many Communities as the Lord would have us make a difference in, to bring Outreach programs and Educational packages that are needed to remind GodÂ’s people that the church is about more than being opened once a week.
1. One Lord, One Faith One Baptism (Eph. 4:5)
2. The Canonical Books Of the Holy Bible
3. If you Confess with your mouth and believe in your
heart that Jesus Died to save our souls from our sins. (Rom 10:9)
4. The Holy Trinity consist of The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
5. We believe that through faith we are renewed. (Heb 11:1)
6. The Resurrection to eternal life. (Mat. 28:18)
7. We believe that The Holy Spirit is alive and working with us today. (Acts 2:2)
8. We believe in the five fold Ministry. (Ephesians 3:11)
9. We believe in going into the Highways and Hedges and compelling them to come in. (Luke 14:23)
10. We believe that eternal life means no more pain and no more sorrow, no more death. (Rev 21:4)