apostles adeventist ministries

Organization Description: 

WE are charitable trustee as [APRCT].
It was regestred under charitable religious trust act no.14of1920.

Organizational Email: 
plot.no:405srinilyam app;chanakypuri.sainagar road no:1
Hyderabad, 500068
Mission Statement: 

chaild care home,schools,orphanage home, women welfer programa,self support projects for women,
we need financial support above projects,as per yours terms and condition,or partner shipe.
we wiil be here to seethe your reply as soon as possible.
thanking you sir,
yours truly,

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

apostlic-adventist-adefinitive profession to gosple of JESUS CHRIST.THE system of values established in the ten commandments and the gospel is summed up by JESUS CHRIST IN ONE pivotal commandment ;to love GOD and our fellow -man. this is an gxpression of GOD's will which gives clear direction in our fast -paced time with all its changing values .the doctrine of the apostolic adventist church is based on Holy scriptures.
GOD THE FATHER, the almighty creator of heaven and earth.
JESUS CHRIST,the son of God,our saviour and redeemer, and all that the Bible tell us of Him,
The Holy Spirit as the power sent byGOD which is active in the church, forgiveness of sins,resurrection of the dead, and eternal life .
proclaim the gospel,HolyBaptism,HOLYSealing,Holy communnin,

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: