Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation

Primary Contact: 
Stephen Newman
4400 PGA Blvd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-6562
Type of Funder: 
Areas of Interest: 
Areas of Interest Description: 

The Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation is interested in Christian organizations that focus on the performing arts. 

Geographic Focus: 
Geographic Focus Limitations: 

The Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation limits their giving to  organizations in Greenville, South Carolina.

Total Annual Giving: 


Average Grant Range: 


Average Number of Requests & Grants Per Year: 


Application Procedures: 

The Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation requests that applicants send a letter of interest to the foundation.


Funding Limitations Description: 

The Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation does not award grants to individuals.

Selected Grants: 

$10,000 to Sunrise Presbyterian Church, $288,000 to American Friends

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: