Ashish Foundation for the Differently Abled
AFDA runs a school for approximately 50 children with mental and physical disabilities. The majority of these children suffer from profound autism. AFDA provides world-class services to these children, including speech therapy, physical therapy, and individual education plans. Roughly half of these children come from Delhi's slums and are therefore on scholarship.
AFDA also runs a Thrift Store where the oldest and highest functioning students are employed. They are learning basic social skills, while the community also is educated through exposure to these students. This also serves to generate income for AFDA.
AFDA runs a vocational training center where the older students learn basic skills such as gift-bag construction, simple jewelry manufacturing, candlemaking. The goal is to empower them with basic technical skills so that they and their families can gain a sense of worth and and feel good about contributing to larger society.
Finally, AFDA informs, trains and mentors in disability awareness. One organization from South India was mentored by AFDA leadership and has created a similar non-profit to serve the disabled in their geographic area.
The mission of AFDA is to serve children with disabilities, their families, and their communities through educational opportunities, vocational training, and by empowering them with the Biblical worldview that all people are created in God's image and deserve to be honored, valued and empowered.
We believe in One Triune God who created all things. Man, through sin, has fallen from God's intention of deep relationship with Him, and with each other, so God sent a rescuer, Jesus the Messiah. All who put their trust in Jesus and His death as payment for their sins are redeemed, saved, filled and empowered with His Spirit, and will live with him for eternity.