Avery Kinney Ministries
Bishop Avery Kinney is a living example of a man that God has literally raised up from the backside of nothing. His ministerial resume is that of a servant because he has functioned in every capacity imaginable in ministry. From cleaning the toilets in the church to being a pastor of pastors, "Bishop" as he is affectionately called has served faithfully in every ministry assignment. He is a true benefactor of impartation, prophetic imprints great mantles being released into his life from sitting at the feet of some generals in the kingdom. Bishop Kinney has co-itineranted faith-based conferences, retreats, workshops, crusades with some internationally renowned men and women of God. His attributes much of his ministry success to his uncommon level of submission to leadership serving with a level of faithfulnes that has bred favor over the last 20 plus years. Bishop travels extensively standing on a diversity of platforms across denominations declaring the mouth of God with great authority.
Bishop Kinney is seasoned prophet in the Lords church who is well-respected among his contemporaries for his great prophetic accuracy, walking in the integrity required for that office, his commitment to holiness and uncommon humility. The Lord continues to establish him as a true oracle speaking the heart of God with a FRESH word in every arena He is invited to share. Bishop Kinney is a pastor, preacher, prophet, author and ministry consultant that has been graced to the nations.
In ministry the Lord has graced Bishop Kinney to pulling on his background in human resources Bishop Kinneyas he translates a robust skillset and cutting edge HR principles into spiritual insights woven into everyday language that empowers individual’s lives. Bishop Kinney is married to Pastor Iris Kinney. He is the father of two, Jayla & Avery Jr. Bishop Kinney is the Founder and Network Bishop of The Kingdom Connected Covenant Network of Ministries which is a network of ministries, churches, Para-church ministries, faith-based businesses leaders that are in covenant with Bishop Kinney are under his spiritual fathering and covering.
Avery Kinney Ministries is committed to taking the love, grace and provision of God to those that are beyond the walls of the local church and social services agencies and into our community. The staff and volunteer at Avery Kinney Ministries are busy doing good work.
We have a dynamic outreach ministry that takes food and street teams into the forgotten parts of the inner cities of our metroplex with the life-changing message of Grace and Redemption. We take teams into the projects and economically challenged areas with food, games, lots of fun, and prizes for the children. The adults are loved, prayed for, and given food. The day after the outreach our buses are sent to bring those who want to come to church. We have seen thousands come to Jesus through this awesome outreach.