Bakorenhema Orphanage
Bakorenhema Children?s Centre (BCC) is registered private voluntary organization (P.V.O) Reg # - W.O. 397/68. It was established in 2001. It is licensed to accommodate a maximum of 38 children, aged between 6 and 18years, but currently has 11 children, 4 girls and 7 boys. Bakorenhema Children?s Centre is an organization and initiative created as a result of the overwhelming population of orphans orphaned by either natural causes of parent?s death or death due to HIV-Aids scourge. The emergence of juvenile delinquency among the (OVC?s) in the country also prompted the creation of Bakorenhema Children?s Centre.
To give children help to thrive, hope and opportunity in life.
Provide opportunities for spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.