Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre
Bethel is a very small INDIAN, grass root level national NGO, totally function by faith taught by the Lord Jesus Christ. We develop individuals holistic. Evangelization, Church planting, training of national bare-foot pastors and evangelists, supporting of Christian workers, the aged people care and service, vocational training, Micro-credit for the development of women are some of the on going projects.
Bethel is a 24 old registered, accountability oriented and a tax-exempted Society. We are not funded by any church, funding agency or by government grants. Our help comes from the Lord who created the heaven and the earth.
Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre is a 24 Year old, Indian Christian national NGO, with a passion to serve the poorest of the poor and the less privileged people, irrespective of one's colour, creed or community attachments. Bethel is an accountability oriented and a tax-exempted society, faithful to the Living God and to the people with whom we are involved. We the executive board serve as volunteers, except a very few numbers of paid staff. Bethel is a "Faith" mission and ministry. We are not supported by any church or funding agencies. We kneel down and pray to our Father in Heaven and ask him to meet all our needs. Our resources therefore, is limited and scarce some times. We do how ever acknowledge that He has not failed us ones.
Our goal is to show the compassion, mercy , LOVE and the Provision of the Living God, through His son Jesus Christ for free to any one who come to Him asking for it. We believe that when a man's spiritual need is "Refurbished" by God's power, he or she finds abundant life in Christ.
We need volunteers who can (1) Pray (2) technically help (3) educate, (4) fund raise (5) people raise and advance the eternal kingdom of God.
1. Bethel is a well balanced, evangelical,pentecostal flavored, apostolic missioned and biblical based interdenominational ;church and a para church society.
2. We believe in the father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the person of Christ,His vicarious death on the cross,resurrection, His coming back, judgment, heaven and hell.
3. We believe in the infallible Bible and it's sovereign authority.
4. We believe that All are lost in sin and lost.
5.We believe in the free gift of Salvation by grace.
6. We believe in the "Church".
7We believe that all must repent, confess, forsake, forgiven, cleansed, baptized, Holy Spirit Filled and be a member of a church.
8.We believe that the "Great commission" is the responsibility of every one of us and act on it.
9. We believe is the Gospel is for the total man and it is the responsibility of the church to minister to the total man.