Bethel Ministry
We are a body of believers who assemble to carry out the Great Commission, who fellowship just like our New testament Patriarchs and desire to see the power, glory and annointing of God be released in this generation.
1. To help the Opressed Psalm 146:5-9. The Lord cares for the orphans, and widows, He opens the eyes of the blind.
2. To win souls and make disciples. Matthew 28:19-20. To follow the Great Commission's command, to lead people to Jesus Christ and help incubate their relationship with God the Father.
3. To train believers to do the work of the ministry. Ephesians 4:12. Why is it that God gives us these special abilities to do certain things at a high level? It is so that God's people will be equipped to do a better work for Him, building up the church, the body of Christ, to a position of, power, strength, and maturity.
We believe that Jesus is the Son ofGod, We believe in the manifeststion of the Holy Spirit, We beleive that the Holy Bible is the infallable written word Of God.