Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
The Big Sister Association was founded in 1951 by three Cambridge residents: The Reverend Harold Taylor, Assistant Rector at Christ Church in Cambridge; Edith Taylor, a Cambridge police officer; and Frances Marley, an administrative assistant and legal consultant for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Believing that girls in their community could benefit from the guidance and support of an older female friend, they created a one-to-one mentoring program where girls (Little Sisters) were individually matched with caring and committed volunteers (Big Sisters).
Mission: Big Sister Association of Greater Boston's mission is to help girls realize their full potential by providing them with positive mentoring relationships with women. Our vision is to create a mentor-rich community in which every girl has access to the individual nurturing, guidance and support she needs to become a confident, competent and caring adult. Using research-based best practices, we hope to become a national model for gender-specific mentoring for girls which can be replicated in other mentoring programs. Big Sister is an acknowledged leader in building professionally supported, dynamic relationships between girls and adult women volunteers.