We are a faith based community Church believing and teaching the whole Bible to the whole man- spirit, soul and body emphasizing on individuals coming to and maintaining personal relationships with Christ.. We are Church Planting in nature and quite evangelistic. At the moment we have two mature Fellowships planted and running. One in the town of Oyugis and the other in the rural around 5kms away from the town.Our hearts are aggressive to win the lost for the Lord and to nature them into full maturity before sending them out to be used too of God.
Beside our spiritual commitment to the great commission, we are involved in a number of humanity causes into our community i.e.Children day care and School programme for Orphaned and Vulnerable children(OVC). The OVC center is currently in its fifth year. In the community, we carry out health education, Improved farming seminars and demonstration farms, HIV/ AIDS prevention, awareness, testing and counseling . We also do home based care for the people living with AIDS as a show of God's love. Once in awhile we undertake community food distribution, clothe distribution and drug dispensing. Our rural Church branch has donated 1acre of land for the construction and establishment of a community dispensary to provide for affordable and sustainable curative services within the rural set-up.
We exist to preach Christ to all creation and to extend his love to our immediate and far community by ministering to the needs of God's people irrespective of their color, tribe, religion, political affiliation and/ or gender inclination.
We believe in the Bible as the only infallible Word of God.
We believe in the Truine God.
We believe that it is only faith in Christ alone that bringeth salvation and not by any other means.
We believe in the baptism of the holy Ghost and that of much Water(immersion).
We believe in the Five -fold Foundational ministries and those of the Holy spirit as the tools and ingredients required to build and perfect the body of Christ to maturity even as the church awaits the second coming of the Lord.
We believe in and often partake in the table of the Lord.
We Believe that the Church of Christ is one though comprising of many smaller components of individuals, fellowships, organizations and denominations