Boost Africa Foundation
We are a non profit, christian organization concerned about the future of South Africa, its children.
South Africa
The Boost Africa Foundation in conjunction with Youth with a Mission is focusing on the future betterment of communities by coming alongside the individual in order to raise up leaders and world changers through education. Education is the key to effective and long term societal development. Currently we run two programmes that empower, educate and enable impoverished children: Kepp a Child in School and an After School Program.
The Keep a Child in School Program provides school uniforms, school fees, stationery and even emergency food parcels for children who cannot afford and therefore might miss the chance to go to school. The drop out of children from school at a young age has a huge impact on the community and crime levels. Children not attending school become involved in gangs, prostitution and drugs and can eventually become street children. These children are the future of South Africa. To empower the nation the population must be literate and skilled.
The After School Program operates 3 days a week in Dunoon Primary School. A snack is offered, help with homework, educational games and life lessons.Children who are reached through the Boost after school programme are children at risk. At risk because they come from abusive environments (physical abuse, sexual abuse, etc), are from child-headed homes, where both parents passed away because of HIV/AIDS, children experiencing learning problems or simply because their parents return late in the evening from work and they are alone.
We believe that poverty is not God's idea, its the enemy's playground. Hopelessness and generational poverty allows the enemy a foothold in youg lives turning them to drink, drugs and destruction. Through education we want to reach children for God and give them practical tools to create a better future for themselves and their nation.
We are partnered with Youth With A Mission, Worcester, South Africa