Call to Christ MInistry
Call to Christ Ministry (CTC) is a nondenominational Christian organization and is a work and fellowship of teaching, ministry, and training; which includes our radio ministry (Gospel Broadcast Radio) which we are currently expanding;
Addison, TX 75001
Mission: Call to Christ Ministry is a work and fellowship of teaching, ministry, and training whose mission is to demonstrate a commitment to the life and word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in service, worship, and communion with God in the Holy Spirit; to personify the life and spirit of Jesus Christ through grace and love toward one another and others; making discipleship of the Lord Jesus Christ our goal and life; to seek the face of God through supplication and prayer in submission to the Holy Spirit; to exercise faith in seeking knowledge and giving witness of the Word of God; and by it know and do the will of God; making disciples of all nations
Call to Christ Ministry believes:
The Holy Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit― three persons in one substance.
The Bible, which is verbally and plenary inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant and infallibly the authoritative Word of God which is not of any private interpretation but was delivered to holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
The fallen and lost estate of man, whose total depravity makes necessary the new birth.
The atonement of the vicarious and substitutionary death and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and God who came to us in the flesh of man.
Predestination which is according to God?s election of those for mercy and salvation by which came the new birth that separates those who have been born to God to Himself and the Lordship of Jesus Christ; and likewise by election, of those for wrath and condemnation who by reason of their birth being the seed of the Serpent abides in sin and evil of which God will make no claim to.
The baptism of repentance and the Cross, which accompanies the confession of faith unto salvation.
Christ?s command that all who come after Him must be a disciple and also make disciples of all nations.
The sanctification of the disciple by the Holy Spirit and the living Word which is Christ through faith that leads to obedience.
The true Church which is the Body, or Bride of Christ consisting only of those who are ?born again? by election according to John 1:11, 12, for whom Christ shall not be ashamed to call his brethren.
The resurrection of the saved unto everlasting life and blessedness in Heaven, the resurrection of the unsaved unto everlasting death and condemnation in Hell.