We lead youth to a better path through experiential adventure programs in the great outdoors. Ideas and attitudes formed through direct experiences are a greater influence on choices and behaviors in the future than those formed through indirect experiences.
The intensity of a wilderness experience creates an ideal environment to influence attitude formation and to teach skills such as leadership, teamwork, and conflict resolution. All of these skills are essential for learning how to thrive with life no matter what the circumstance. Camptown is not a residential camp.
Programs take place on both public and private lands throughout the United States. Camptown uses outdoor wilderness adventures such as backpacking, canoeing, and mountain biking to teach leadership, teamwork, character development, diversity, history, and environmental stewardship to youth from all walks of life. We instill, in each youth participant, environmental awareness and stewardship, effective leadership and teamwork skills, awareness of personal choices and consequences, a vision expanded beyond current life circumstances, responsibility, respect for others, and self-confidence.