CEDEP (Center for Development and Environmental Protection)
Centre for Development and Environmental Protection (CEDEP) was created in 2011 and registered as a Common Initiative Group in 2012 with registration number NW/GP/040/12/14388.
CEDEP Cameroon is a women and youth-led organisation which is out to provide practical solutions to pertinent environmental problems and promote sustainable livelihood activities through the domestication of mushrooms and promotion of organic farming, fight against uncontrolled use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides; abusive cutting down of trees in the Tubah Forest Reserve especially Prunus africana bark by completely cutting down of the tree and killing of wildlife for food and money.
CEDEP project also promote Mushroom cultivation, research and training by involving unemployed and underprivileged youths with more focus on women and girls; as well as targeting primary, secondary and high school students to build their capacity with self-sustaining livelong skills to foster food security and reduce youth unemployment. Empowering women and youths with tree domestication skills will ensure environmental sustainability and reduce youth unemployment thus CEDEP Cameroon hopes to secure a safe and better environment for future young Cameroonians (we are thinking of those in kindergarten) but employing sustainable agroforestry and conservation practices through selective tree domestication, organic farming and others. Our target trees are: Fodder/leguminous trees, Prunus africana, Raphia membilensis, Cedrella, Moringa oleifera, grafted and marcotted fruit trees.
To support community groups and individual households to improve on their livelihood through the implementation of eco-friendly initiatives and capacity building to foster sustainability.
- To promote value-chain through Mushroom cultivation and research, organic vegetable production and processing of fruits into juice.
- To promote literacy and numeracy among youths and women (especially girls) and farmer groups in the village.
- To protect water catchments, watershed, and forest by scaling up tree domestication, planting environmental friendly trees to foster adaptation to climate-smart technologies;
- To protect wildlife by encouraging hunters and farmers to practice bee farming, poultry farming, goat/sheep rearing, fish farming and eco-tourism initiatives.