Celebrate Life International
Celebrate Life International (CLI) exists for one reason and one reason only--to make a difference in the lives of young people.
CLI is the creator of the dynamic Teach One to Lead One‚‚® program (T1L1). T1L1 volunteer mentors present hands-on activities, lead life-changing discussions--and simply care for the youth they are mentoring. New teams of active volunteer mentors are being formed across the US and around the world right now. Be sure to find out how you can bring T1L1 to your community and start transforming kids!
Celebrate Life International is an organization dedicated to transforming at-risk kids into responsible citizens by building in them character based on practical leadership skills and universal principles.
CLI delivers programs, materials, and personnel that equip young people to build lives of integrity, create positive relationships, stand strong in healthy habits, and multiply their influence among their peers.