Christ Ministires, Inc., Outreach and Community Center
: We the members of Christ Ministries, Inc. Is empowered by God to reach beyond ourselves to touch the lives of others through the Holy Spirit. We are sent to the nations to ease the suffering of people with these truths: Salvation, Deliverance, Prayer, Prophetic Utterance, and the gift of the Healing. We have accepted our challenge and are now embarked on a journey to fulfill our calling. We endeavor to bring peace where wrath is sown; tranquility to the confounded, and praise for the murmuring. It is our desire to change the outlook of how others view Christians with Christ as the chief cornerstone, showing forth his divinity and love for all mankind, we believe that God has empowered us to transform the lives of others by our gifts under the unction of the Holy Spirit and the word of God; sharing hope, (Christ) through prayer with the lost; sharing love with the fatherless that they may rejoice in knowing that God has not forgotten them. Christ Ministries, Inc. Is not limited to borders, but wherever we our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ leads us. It is our vision to further the gospel as envision by Christ to all the known world.
We the members of Christ Ministries, Inc. Believe to be faithful to the cause of Christ and the word of God. To be full of integrity and character that reflects Christ. To express the deepest form of love to all both saints and sinners alike, where God is changing lives, destinies, values, and directions
We the members of Christ Ministries, Inc believe that it is our inherited duty to hold fast to what we believe; that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God; who came to earth as God and man to redeem mankind back unto himself. Our love for him and his mission has brought us the joys of life through all our toils and tribulation in the Christian Faith. In so doing Christ institutionalize the behavior of how man should pattern themselves in the likeness showing the generosity and hope toward their fellow man. We believe that man cannot receive salvation without Christ Jesus, we believe that life begins in him and ends through him.