Christian Carpentry
Christian Carpentry was founded with the mission of charitable relief for the hardships endured while living below the national average poverty rate. Our goal is to improve the individual environments and communities most drastically affected with poverty by refurbishing existing furniture, making improvements to living spaces such as flooring replacement, painting and minor repairs. Our objective is not only to improve quality of life by enhancing an environment, but also to provide safer surroundings for children and those with disabilities regardless of race, culture or religion.
In the 2007 Census, Buffalo, NY was ranked the third poorest city in the Nation with a poverty rate of 28.7%. In 2010 Buffalo, NY has moved into the ranking of the second poorest large city in the nation. In Erie County there are over 115,000 residents living below the poverty. Across the eight counties of Western New York that number increases to over 201,000. Since the recession and unemployment rate has affected many families in 2010, it can be predicted that these numbers have increased dramatically, although not currently available. Furthermore, the number of persons aged 5 and older with a disability in Erie County exceeds 160,000.
Christian Carpentry is a not-for-profit organization serving the communities of Western New York with our goal of improving the quality of life for struggling families through renovating and rehabilitating their homes. This effort will provide safer environments for children, necessary modifications for the developmentally and physically disabled and relief from the hardships endured while attempting to survive through poverty.
We believe in one God, who exists in three Persons — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is loving, holy
and just.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is inspired and accurate. It is our perfect guide in all matters of
We believe that sin has separated us all from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can we be
reconciled to God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at
the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.
We believe that salvation is the gift of God to man. This gift is affected by grace through faith in Jesus
Christ and it produces works pleasing to God.
We believe that water baptism is an outward act that demonstrates a believer's identification with the
death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He guides us in all areas of our lives. He also blesses us
with spiritual gifts and empowers us to yield the fruit of the Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death and our remembrance of Him.
We believe that God wants to transform, heal and prosper us, so that we can live blessed and victorious
lives that will impact and help others.
We believe that we are called to preach the gospel to County of Erie, the City of Buffalo and to all nations.
We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He promised.