Christian Educators Assn. int'l
Ceai works through educators in the classroom along with all Christians either employed or volunteering in the local school. We provide benefits for teachers along with resources for the teachers, parents, and school board members.
Ceai provides chapters, prayer groups, conferences for traing locally, regionally and nationally. We have a one minute radio tip program on over 500 stations nationally.
We promote and run a pen pal project between schools in Armenia and America. With this project we hope to instill compassion and good works as well as correspondence skills in students.
Ceai publishes six issues of Teachers of Vision our small magazine along with three newsletters yearly. The website is full of resources to assit teachers and parents on a host of topics of concern to them.
Our office hours in Anaheim,Ca are 8:30 - 5:00 pm (5days a week.) We have many volunteer jobs that can be done in your neighborhood in any city or state state.
VISION:to Demonstrate God's Love and Truth to the school community.
MISSION: to encourage, equip and empower Christian educators in public and private schools
In pursuit of this mission we:
*Proclaim God's Word as the source of true wisdom and knowledge.
*Portray teaching as a God-given calling and ministry
*Promote educational excellence as an expression of Christian commitment
*Preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage and values through education
*Provide a forum on educational issues with a Christian worldview
*Partner with churches, parachurch organizations, educational institutions and parents
+ One God eternally existent in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
+ The Bible as the inspired Word of God
+ Christ, the son of God, His virgin birth, His miracles, His vicarious atoning death for our sins, His bodily resurrection and His return.
+ The need and reality of spiritual conversion by the Holy Spirit through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
+ The ministry of the Holy Spirit Who enables us to live a godly life.